About the Author

Hi, and welcome to my about page!

I’m Lindi, a 22 year old Christian and bride-to-be. I love writing and creating things, and I love the rush when I suddenly think of a new story idea or plot.

I first discovered my love for writing when I was in the 7th grade and my best friend and I held mini competitions to see who could write the best stories and design the best characters. I poured over books and gleaned all that I could from my favorite authors. I moved on from writing short stories to writing more complex pieces when I entered high school. Throughout all of those four years, I continued writing.

I wrote during class, I wrote after class, I wrote before class. I was either constantly scribbling down bits and pieces of creative genius or had my nose stuck in a book.

Now that I’ve graduated college, I have my Bachelor’s in English Writing with a minor in English, but my writing is by no means perfected. I am perpetually adding to my arsenal of witty comebacks and description, and I am constantly reminded of my own lack of experience.

My goal in life is to one day be a published author and to teach creative writing to the younger generations through high school classes and college courses.

How to contact me or get connected:


2 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. Hello

    I’d like to nominate your blog for the Liebster award which recognizes up and coming blogs (generally those with less than 200 followers), and hopefully drives more traffic your way when I provide a link for my readers/followers. I’m planning a post (probably for Monday or Tuesday) that outlines the recognition. Would you accept?


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